Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sad Girl


John S. said...

This is an incredible drawing.
Who are your artistic influences?

John. S

Bernard Joaquin said...

Hey Beatrice

I like the work....emailed the school no response will wait and see....but this painting is pretty...sad though....I like the use of watercolour....

amazing stuff

Anonymous said...

c'est superbe, une vrai femme en chaire pulpeuse!! LOL
L'émotion est bien rendu aussi!! bref... j'aime ^^

Uli Meyer said...

Beautiful artwork on your blog, BB.
Keep drawing

Unknown said...

Great new postings!! Love your character design a lot!!

Raymond Xu said...

came across this wonderful site, Gobelins has some talented students, i'll definitely be back, so keep drawing!

Drazen said...

Great work!

B.B said...

ok euh... My artistic influences are some of my links and lots of people so it's hard to answer... Animators like Keane, Baxter, Goldberg, Illustrators and drawers like Peeters, Sfar,Mignola, Usuegi,Franquin,Biskup, Sempé ...and I'm sorry but I 'm sure to forget some of the most importants artists I could talk about!(And my english is very bad but anyway)

Germán said...

this drawing is beautiful. Great drawings, thrilled to see more.

Process Junkie said...

Beautiful work!!


B.B said...

Thanks all of you guys! Your replies are really helpful! Keep posting, I'll keep drawing! Yeah!

mylydy said...

Je viens de dcouvrir ton travail, vraiment superbe, impressionant!!

MikeS said...

Beautiful sadness if that's possible! You have some beautiful pieces here on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Genial ton blog et quel talent, du coup je me permets de mettre ton blog dans mes favoris et puis en tant qu'ancien des gobelins, je me le permets.

Prince Nez said...

Salut B.B.
D'abord je dit que ces dessins sont tres tres bo et que "ca le fait".
Sinon pour eviter les messages a caractere informatif dans tes comments,il faut que t'actives l'option dans les settings de ton blog qui demande d'entrer un mot (affiche au-dessus)pour pouvoir poster.Comme ca c'est sur que c'est pas un comment automatique mais bien quelqu'un en chair et en os MAIS qui n'est pas nu ou un sombre vendeur d'assurance...

res bon taff en tout cas.Hate de voir un generique ou un "flim" tcho!

B.B said...

cool! j'essaye bientôt

Gianmaria said...

I've done what you said to me B.B.

Unknown said...

Elle est super jolie! aquarelle?

B.B said...


Anonymous said...

Paix à son âme!

Apparement ça t'as beaucoup touché ma puce!
Bon bah en tout cas n'hésite pas à passer un coup de fil, tu sais que je suis 100% dispo pour toi.

Mille bisous
Ta Noucky qui t'aime très fort

PS: pour ton talent pas besoin d'en rajouter vu qu'il y en a qui ce sont déjà étalé et puis tu sais ce que j'en pense!

yoshi said...

Super cool tes dessins ,il commence a avoir un vrai fan club ici a LA.
On aimerai en voir d'autre

jesusalonsoiglesias said...

i´ve just discover your blog. and i´really love it.
i like too much the colour and everything.
congratulations. i´ll link you from my blog.

Brian Growe said...

Wow! What a great emotional picture! Your work is really wonderful!

Martin Wittig said...

I love this sketch! you have such wonderful pieces on your blog, I didn't know where to leave a comment..but this is really a great pose, and has so much feeling in it.Great stuff.

Ka Ka said...

Hello! My name is Ka Ka from Hong Kong.
Looking your sketch makes me cry...
Just like looking myself... so sad...

Anonymous said...

i was looking for a picture than i can use for my blogger. i saw yours and i really connected to it. i would note the proper credits for you ofcourse. that is.. if you dont mind.
i also checked your other works. i think, you draw with soul.

Anonymous said...
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Thomas F. Dougherty said...

A Very emotional piece! Amazing color! Simple yet brilliant One of your best!!